Package: mlr3pipelines 0.7.1

Martin Binder

mlr3pipelines: Preprocessing Operators and Pipelines for 'mlr3'

Dataflow programming toolkit that enriches 'mlr3' with a diverse set of pipelining operators ('PipeOps') that can be composed into graphs. Operations exist for data preprocessing, model fitting, and ensemble learning. Graphs can themselves be treated as 'mlr3' 'Learners' and can therefore be resampled, benchmarked, and tuned.

Authors:Martin Binder [aut, cre], Florian Pfisterer [aut], Lennart Schneider [aut], Bernd Bischl [aut], Michel Lang [aut], Sebastian Fischer [aut], Susanne Dandl [aut], Keno Mersmann [ctb], Maximilian Mücke [ctb], Lona Koers [ctb]

mlr3pipelines.pdf |mlr3pipelines.html
mlr3pipelines/json (API)

# Install 'mlr3pipelines' in R:
install.packages('mlr3pipelines', repos = c('', ''))

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12.16 score 141 stars 7 packages 448 scripts 4.9k downloads 1 mentions 137 exports 22 dependencies

Last updated 4 months agofrom:1566ae6427 (on v0.7.1). Checks:1 OK, 7 ERROR. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 16 2025
R-4.5-winERRORFeb 16 2025
R-4.5-macERRORFeb 16 2025
R-4.5-linuxERRORFeb 16 2025
R-4.4-winERRORFeb 16 2025
R-4.4-macERRORFeb 16 2025
R-4.3-winERRORFeb 16 2025
R-4.3-macERRORFeb 16 2025



Adding new PipeOps

Rendered fromextending.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 16 2025.

Last update: 2023-05-22
Started: 2023-05-22

Readme and manuals

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Help pageTopics
mlr3pipelines: Preprocessing Operators and Pipelines for 'mlr3'mlr3pipelines-package mlr3pipelines
PipeOp Composition Operator%>>!% %>>% concat_graphs
Add a Class Hierarchy to the Cacheadd_class_hierarchy_cache
Conversion to mlr3pipelines Graphas_graph
Conversion to mlr3pipelines PipeOpas_pipeop
Convert an object to a Multiplicityas.Multiplicity
Assertion for mlr3pipelines Graphassert_graph
Assertion for mlr3pipelines PipeOpassert_pipeop
Chain a Series of Graphschain_graphs
Remove NO_OPs from a Listfilter_noop
Graph Base ClassGraph
Create Disjoint Graph Union of Copies of a Graphgreplicate
Disjoint Union of Graphsgunion
Test for NO_OPis_noop
Check if an object is a Multiplicityis.Multiplicity
Dictionary of (sub-)graphsmlr_graphs
Create a bagging learnermlr_graphs_bagging pipeline_bagging
Branch Between Alternative Pathsmlr_graphs_branch pipeline_branch
Convert Column Typesmlr_graphs_convert_types pipeline_convert_types
Create Disjoint Graph Union of Copies of a Graphmlr_graphs_greplicate pipeline_greplicate
Create A Graph to Perform "One vs. Rest" classification.mlr_graphs_ovr pipeline_ovr
Robustify a learnermlr_graphs_robustify pipeline_robustify
Create A Graph to Perform Stacking.mlr_graphs_stacking pipeline_stacking
Transform and Re-Transform the Target Variablemlr_graphs_targettrafo pipeline_targettrafo
Optimized Weighted Average of Features for Classification and RegressionLearnerClassifAvg LearnerRegrAvg mlr_learners_avg mlr_learners_classif.avg mlr_learners_regr.avg
Encapsulate a Graph as a LearnerGraphLearner mlr_learners_graph
Dictionary of PipeOpsmlr_pipeops
ADAS Balancingmlr_pipeops_adas PipeOpADAS
BLSMOTE Balancingmlr_pipeops_blsmote PipeOpBLSmote
Box-Cox Transformation of Numeric Featuresmlr_pipeops_boxcox PipeOpBoxCox
Path Branchingmlr_pipeops_branch PipeOpBranch
Chunk Input into Multiple Outputsmlr_pipeops_chunk PipeOpChunk
Class Balancingmlr_pipeops_classbalancing PipeOpClassBalancing
Majority Vote Predictionmlr_pipeops_classifavg PipeOpClassifAvg
Class Weights for Sample Weightingmlr_pipeops_classweights PipeOpClassWeights
Apply a Function to each Column of a Taskmlr_pipeops_colapply PipeOpColApply
Collapse Factorsmlr_pipeops_collapsefactors PipeOpCollapseFactors
Change Column Roles of a Taskmlr_pipeops_colroles PipeOpColRoles
Copy Input Multiple Timesmlr_pipeops_copy PipeOpCopy
Preprocess Date Featuresmlr_pipeops_datefeatures PipeOpDateFeatures
Factor Encodingmlr_pipeops_encode PipeOpEncode
Conditional Target Value Impact Encodingmlr_pipeops_encodeimpact PipeOpEncodeImpact
Impact Encoding with Random Intercept Modelsmlr_pipeops_encodelmer PipeOpEncodeLmer
Aggregate Features from Multiple Inputsmlr_pipeops_featureunion PipeOpFeatureUnion
Feature Filteringmlr_pipeops_filter PipeOpFilter
Fix Factor Levelsmlr_pipeops_fixfactors PipeOpFixFactors
Split Numeric Features into Equally Spaced Binsmlr_pipeops_histbin PipeOpHistBin
Independent Component Analysismlr_pipeops_ica PipeOpICA
Impute Features by a Constantmlr_pipeops_imputeconstant PipeOpImputeConstant
Impute Numerical Features by Histogrammlr_pipeops_imputehist PipeOpImputeHist
Impute Features by Fitting a Learnermlr_pipeops_imputelearner PipeOpImputeLearner
Impute Numerical Features by their Meanmlr_pipeops_imputemean PipeOpImputeMean
Impute Numerical Features by their Medianmlr_pipeops_imputemedian PipeOpImputeMedian
Impute Features by their Modemlr_pipeops_imputemode PipeOpImputeMode
Out of Range Imputationmlr_pipeops_imputeoor PipeOpImputeOOR
Impute Features by Samplingmlr_pipeops_imputesample PipeOpImputeSample
Kernelized Principle Component Analysismlr_pipeops_kernelpca PipeOpKernelPCA
Wrap a Learner into a PipeOpmlr_pipeops_learner PipeOpLearner
Wrap a Learner into a PipeOp with Cross-validated Predictions as Featuresmlr_pipeops_learner_cv PipeOpLearnerCV
Wrap a Learner into a PipeOp with Cross-validation Plus Confidence Intervals as Predictionsmlr_pipeops_learner_pi_cvplus PipeOpLearnerPICVPlus
Wrap a Learner into a PipeOp to to predict multiple Quantilesmlr_pipeops_learner_quantiles PipeOpLearnerQuantiles
Add Missing Indicator Columnsmlr_pipeops_missind PipeOpMissInd
Transform Columns by Constructing a Model Matrixmlr_pipeops_modelmatrix PipeOpModelMatrix
Explicate a Multiplicitymlr_pipeops_multiplicityexply PipeOpMultiplicityExply
Implicate a Multiplicitymlr_pipeops_multiplicityimply PipeOpMultiplicityImply
Add Features According to Expressionsmlr_pipeops_mutate PipeOpMutate
Nearmiss Down-Samplingmlr_pipeops_nearmiss PipeOpNearmiss
Non-negative Matrix Factorizationmlr_pipeops_nmf PipeOpNMF
Simply Push Input Forwardmlr_pipeops_nop PipeOpNOP
Split a Classification Task into Binary Classification Tasksmlr_pipeops_ovrsplit PipeOpOVRSplit
Unite Binary Classification Tasksmlr_pipeops_ovrunite PipeOpOVRUnite
Principle Component Analysismlr_pipeops_pca PipeOpPCA
Wrap another PipeOp or Graph as a Hyperparametermlr_pipeops_proxy PipeOpProxy
Split Numeric Features into Quantile Binsmlr_pipeops_quantilebin PipeOpQuantileBin
Project Numeric Features onto a Randomly Sampled Subspacemlr_pipeops_randomprojection PipeOpRandomProjection
Generate a Randomized Response Predictionmlr_pipeops_randomresponse PipeOpRandomResponse
Weighted Prediction Averagingmlr_pipeops_regravg PipeOpRegrAvg
Remove Constant Featuresmlr_pipeops_removeconstants PipeOpRemoveConstants
Rename Columnsmlr_pipeops_renamecolumns PipeOpRenameColumns
Replicate the Input as a Multiplicitymlr_pipeops_replicate PipeOpReplicate
Apply a Function to each Row of a Taskmlr_pipeops_rowapply PipeOpRowApply
Center and Scale Numeric Featuresmlr_pipeops_scale PipeOpScale
Scale Numeric Features with Respect to their Maximum Absolute Valuemlr_pipeops_scalemaxabs PipeOpScaleMaxAbs
Linearly Transform Numeric Features to Match Given Boundariesmlr_pipeops_scalerange PipeOpScaleRange
Remove Features Depending on a Selectormlr_pipeops_select PipeOpSelect
SMOTE Balancingmlr_pipeops_smote PipeOpSmote
SMOTENC Balancingmlr_pipeops_smotenc PipeOpSmoteNC
Normalize Data Row-wisemlr_pipeops_spatialsign PipeOpSpatialSign
Subsamplingmlr_pipeops_subsample PipeOpSubsample
Invert Target Transformationsmlr_pipeops_targetinvert PipeOpTargetInvert
Transform a Target by a Functionmlr_pipeops_targetmutate PipeOpTargetMutate
Linearly Transform a Numeric Target to Match Given Boundariesmlr_pipeops_targettrafoscalerange PipeOpTargetTrafoScaleRange
Bag-of-word Representation of Character Featuresmlr_pipeops_textvectorizer PipeOpTextVectorizer
Change the Threshold of a Classification Predictionmlr_pipeops_threshold PipeOpThreshold
Tomek Down-Samplingmlr_pipeops_tomek PipeOpTomek
Tune the Threshold of a Classification Predictionmlr_pipeops_tunethreshold PipeOpTuneThreshold
Unbranch Different Pathsmlr_pipeops_unbranch PipeOpUnbranch
Transform a Target without an Explicit Inversionmlr_pipeops_updatetarget PipeOpUpdateTarget
Interface to the vtreat Packagemlr_pipeops_vtreat PipeOpVtreat
Yeo-Johnson Transformation of Numeric Featuresmlr_pipeops_yeojohnson PipeOpYeoJohnson
Housing Data for 506 Census Tracts of Bostonmlr_tasks_boston_housing
No-Op Sentinel Used for Alternative BranchingNO_OP
PipeOp Base ClassPipeOp
Ensembling Base ClassPipeOpEnsemble
Imputation Base ClassPipeOpImpute
Target Transformation Base ClassPipeOpTargetTrafo
Task Preprocessing Base ClassPipeOpTaskPreproc
Simple Task Preprocessing Base ClassPipeOpTaskPreprocSimple
Shorthand PipeOp Constructorpo pos
Shorthand Graph Constructorppl ppls
Add Autoconvert Function to Conversion Registerregister_autoconvert_function
Reset Autoconvert Registerreset_autoconvert_register
Reset the Class Hierarchy Cachereset_class_hierarchy_cache
Selector FunctionsSelector selector_all selector_cardinality_greater_than selector_grep selector_intersect selector_invert selector_missing selector_name selector_none selector_setdiff selector_type selector_union
Configure Validation for a GraphLearnerset_validate.GraphLearner