Package: mlr3torch 0.1.2
mlr3torch: Deep Learning with 'mlr3'
Deep Learning library that extends the mlr3 framework by building upon the 'torch' package. It allows to conveniently build, train, and evaluate deep learning models without having to worry about low level details. Custom architectures can be created using the graph language defined in 'mlr3pipelines'.
mlr3torch.pdf |mlr3torch.html✨
mlr3torch/json (API)
# Install 'mlr3torch' in R: |
install.packages('mlr3torch', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
Pkgdown site:
Last updated 3 months agofrom:2efffc8328 (on v0.1.2). Checks:7 OK. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Dec 21 2024 |
R-4.5-win | OK | Dec 21 2024 |
R-4.5-linux | OK | Dec 21 2024 |
R-4.4-win | OK | Dec 21 2024 |
R-4.4-mac | OK | Dec 21 2024 |
R-4.3-win | OK | Dec 21 2024 |
R-4.3-mac | OK | Dec 21 2024 |
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
mlr3torch: Deep Learning with 'mlr3' | mlr3torch-package mlr3torch |
Convert to Data Descriptor | as_data_descriptor |
Convert to Lazy Tensor | as_lazy_tensor as_lazy_tensor.dataset |
Convert to a TorchCallback | as_torch_callback |
Convert to a list of Torch Callbacks | as_torch_callbacks |
Convert to TorchLoss | as_torch_loss |
Convert to TorchOptimizer | as_torch_optimizer |
Assert Lazy Tensor | assert_lazy_tensor |
Auto Device | auto_device |
Batchgetter for Categorical data | batchgetter_categ |
Batchgetter for Numeric Data | batchgetter_num |
Create a Set of Callbacks for Torch | callback_set |
Data Descriptor | DataDescriptor |
Check for lazy tensor | is_lazy_tensor |
Create a lazy tensor | lazy_tensor |
Materialize Lazy Tensor Columns | materialize materialize.list |
Lazy Data Backend | DataBackendLazy mlr_backends_lazy |
Base Class for Callbacks | CallbackSet mlr_callback_set |
Checkpoint Callback | CallbackSetCheckpoint mlr_callback_set.checkpoint |
History Callback | CallbackSetHistory mlr_callback_set.history |
Progress Callback | CallbackSetProgress mlr_callback_set.progress |
Context for Torch Learner | ContextTorch mlr_context_torch |
Base Class for Torch Learners | LearnerTorch mlr_learners_torch |
Image Learner | LearnerTorchImage mlr_learners_torch_image |
Learner Torch Model | LearnerTorchModel mlr_learners_torch_model |
My Little Pony | LearnerTorchMLP mlr_learners.mlp |
Tabular ResNet | LearnerTorchTabResNet mlr_learners.tab_resnet |
Featureless Torch Learner | LearnerTorchFeatureless mlr_learners.torch_featureless |
AlexNet Image Classifier | LearnerTorchVision mlr_learners.torchvision |
PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentCenterCrop | mlr_pipeops_augment_center_crop PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentCenterCrop |
PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentColorJitter | mlr_pipeops_augment_color_jitter PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentColorJitter |
PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentCrop | mlr_pipeops_augment_crop PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentCrop |
PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentHflip | mlr_pipeops_augment_hflip PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentHflip |
PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRandomAffine | mlr_pipeops_augment_random_affine PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRandomAffine |
PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRandomChoice | mlr_pipeops_augment_random_choice PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRandomChoice |
PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRandomCrop | mlr_pipeops_augment_random_crop PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRandomCrop |
PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRandomHorizontalFlip | mlr_pipeops_augment_random_horizontal_flip PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRandomHorizontalFlip |
PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRandomOrder | mlr_pipeops_augment_random_order PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRandomOrder |
PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRandomResizedCrop | mlr_pipeops_augment_random_resized_crop PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRandomResizedCrop |
PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRandomVerticalFlip | mlr_pipeops_augment_random_vertical_flip PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRandomVerticalFlip |
PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentResizedCrop | mlr_pipeops_augment_resized_crop PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentResizedCrop |
PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRotate | mlr_pipeops_augment_rotate PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentRotate |
PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentVflip | mlr_pipeops_augment_vflip PipeOpPreprocTorchAugmentVflip |
Class for Torch Module Wrappers | mlr_pipeops_module PipeOpModule |
1D Average Pooling | mlr_pipeops_nn_avg_pool1d PipeOpTorchAvgPool1D |
2D Average Pooling | mlr_pipeops_nn_avg_pool2d PipeOpTorchAvgPool2D |
3D Average Pooling | mlr_pipeops_nn_avg_pool3d PipeOpTorchAvgPool3D |
1D Batch Normalization | mlr_pipeops_nn_batch_norm1d PipeOpTorchBatchNorm1D |
2D Batch Normalization | mlr_pipeops_nn_batch_norm2d PipeOpTorchBatchNorm2D |
3D Batch Normalization | mlr_pipeops_nn_batch_norm3d PipeOpTorchBatchNorm3D |
Block Repetition | mlr_pipeops_nn_block PipeOpTorchBlock |
CELU Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_celu PipeOpTorchCELU |
Transpose 1D Convolution | mlr_pipeops_nn_conv_transpose1d PipeOpTorchConvTranspose1D |
Transpose 2D Convolution | mlr_pipeops_nn_conv_transpose2d PipeOpTorchConvTranspose2D |
Transpose 3D Convolution | mlr_pipeops_nn_conv_transpose3d PipeOpTorchConvTranspose3D |
1D Convolution | mlr_pipeops_nn_conv1d PipeOpTorchConv1D |
2D Convolution | mlr_pipeops_nn_conv2d PipeOpTorchConv2D |
3D Convolution | mlr_pipeops_nn_conv3d PipeOpTorchConv3D |
Dropout | mlr_pipeops_nn_dropout PipeOpTorchDropout |
ELU Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_elu PipeOpTorchELU |
Flattens a Tensor | mlr_pipeops_nn_flatten PipeOpTorchFlatten |
GELU Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_gelu PipeOpTorchGELU |
GLU Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_glu PipeOpTorchGLU |
Hard Shrink Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_hardshrink PipeOpTorchHardShrink |
Hard Sigmoid Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_hardsigmoid PipeOpTorchHardSigmoid |
Hard Tanh Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_hardtanh PipeOpTorchHardTanh |
Output Head | mlr_pipeops_nn_head PipeOpTorchHead |
Layer Normalization | mlr_pipeops_nn_layer_norm PipeOpTorchLayerNorm |
Leaky ReLU Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_leaky_relu PipeOpTorchLeakyReLU |
Linear Layer | mlr_pipeops_nn_linear PipeOpTorchLinear |
Log Sigmoid Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_log_sigmoid PipeOpTorchLogSigmoid |
1D Max Pooling | mlr_pipeops_nn_max_pool1d PipeOpTorchMaxPool1D |
2D Max Pooling | mlr_pipeops_nn_max_pool2d PipeOpTorchMaxPool2D |
3D Max Pooling | mlr_pipeops_nn_max_pool3d PipeOpTorchMaxPool3D |
Merge Operation | mlr_pipeops_nn_merge PipeOpTorchMerge |
Merge by Concatenation | mlr_pipeops_nn_merge_cat PipeOpTorchMergeCat |
Merge by Product | mlr_pipeops_nn_merge_prod PipeOpTorchMergeProd |
Merge by Summation | mlr_pipeops_nn_merge_sum PipeOpTorchMergeSum |
PReLU Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_prelu PipeOpTorchPReLU |
ReLU Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_relu PipeOpTorchReLU |
ReLU6 Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_relu6 PipeOpTorchReLU6 |
Reshape a Tensor | mlr_pipeops_nn_reshape PipeOpTorchReshape |
RReLU Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_rrelu PipeOpTorchRReLU |
SELU Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_selu PipeOpTorchSELU |
Sigmoid Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_sigmoid PipeOpTorchSigmoid |
Softmax | mlr_pipeops_nn_softmax PipeOpTorchSoftmax |
SoftPlus Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_softplus PipeOpTorchSoftPlus |
Soft Shrink Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_softshrink PipeOpTorchSoftShrink |
SoftSign Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_softsign PipeOpTorchSoftSign |
Squeeze a Tensor | mlr_pipeops_nn_squeeze PipeOpTorchSqueeze |
Tanh Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_tanh PipeOpTorchTanh |
Tanh Shrink Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_tanhshrink PipeOpTorchTanhShrink |
Treshold Activation Function | mlr_pipeops_nn_threshold PipeOpTorchThreshold |
Unqueeze a Tensor | mlr_pipeops_nn_unsqueeze PipeOpTorchUnsqueeze |
Base Class for Lazy Tensor Preprocessing | mlr_pipeops_preproc_torch PipeOpTaskPreprocTorch |
Base Class for Torch Module Constructor Wrappers | mlr_pipeops_torch PipeOpTorch |
Callback Configuration | mlr_pipeops_torch_callbacks PipeOpTorchCallbacks |
Entrypoint to Torch Network | mlr_pipeops_torch_ingress PipeOpTorchIngress |
Torch Entry Point for Categorical Features | mlr_pipeops_torch_ingress_categ PipeOpTorchIngressCategorical |
Ingress for Lazy Tensor | mlr_pipeops_torch_ingress_ltnsr PipeOpTorchIngressLazyTensor |
Torch Entry Point for Numeric Features | mlr_pipeops_torch_ingress_num PipeOpTorchIngressNumeric |
Loss Configuration | mlr_pipeops_torch_loss PipeOpTorchLoss |
PipeOp Torch Model | mlr_pipeops_torch_model PipeOpTorchModel |
PipeOp Torch Classifier | mlr_pipeops_torch_model_classif PipeOpTorchModelClassif |
Torch Regression Model | mlr_pipeops_torch_model_regr PipeOpTorchModelRegr |
Optimizer Configuration | mlr_pipeops_torch_optimizer PipeOpTorchOptimizer |
PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoAdjustBrightness | mlr_pipeops_trafo_adjust_brightness PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoAdjustBrightness |
PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoAdjustGamma | mlr_pipeops_trafo_adjust_gamma PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoAdjustGamma |
PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoAdjustHue | mlr_pipeops_trafo_adjust_hue PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoAdjustHue |
PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoAdjustSaturation | mlr_pipeops_trafo_adjust_saturation PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoAdjustSaturation |
PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoGrayscale | mlr_pipeops_trafo_grayscale PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoGrayscale |
PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoNop | mlr_pipeops_trafo_nop PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoNop |
PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoNormalize | mlr_pipeops_trafo_normalize PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoNormalize |
PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoPad | mlr_pipeops_trafo_pad PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoPad |
PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoReshape | mlr_pipeops_trafo_reshape PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoReshape |
PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoResize | mlr_pipeops_trafo_resize PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoResize |
PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoRgbToGrayscale | mlr_pipeops_trafo_rgb_to_grayscale PipeOpPreprocTorchTrafoRgbToGrayscale |
Iris Classification Task | mlr_tasks_lazy_iris |
MNIST Image classification | mlr_tasks_mnist |
Tiny ImageNet Classification Task | mlr_tasks_tiny_imagenet |
Dictionary of Torch Callbacks | mlr3torch_callbacks |
Loss Functions | mlr3torch_losses |
Optimizers | mlr3torch_optimizers |
Create a Torch Learner from a ModelDescriptor | model_descriptor_to_learner |
Create a nn_graph from ModelDescriptor | model_descriptor_to_module |
Union of ModelDescriptors | model_descriptor_union |
Represent a Model with Meta-Info | ModelDescriptor |
Create a Neural Network Layer | nn |
Graph Network | nn_graph |
Concatenates multiple tensors | nn_merge_cat |
Product of multiple tensors | nn_merge_prod |
Sum of multiple tensors | nn_merge_sum |
Reshape | nn_reshape |
Squeeze | nn_squeeze |
Unsqueeze | nn_unsqueeze |
Create Torch Preprocessing PipeOps | pipeop_preproc_torch |
Sugar Function for Torch Callback | t_clbk t_clbks |
Loss Function Quick Access | t_loss t_losses |
Optimizers Quick Access | t_opt t_opts |
Create a Dataset from a Task | task_dataset |
Create a Callback Desctiptor | torch_callback |
Torch Callback | TorchCallback |
Base Class for Torch Descriptors | TorchDescriptor |
Torch Ingress Token | TorchIngressToken |
Torch Loss | TorchLoss |
Torch Optimizer | TorchOptimizer |